Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Snow White Fairy Tale By Arunita

Princess Snow White,Prince Charming and bond of love

its story of princess snow all know when pregnant queen was sewing the needle pierced her finger and drop of blood fell on white ice..she then said
how i wish i had a daughter white like snow , whose lips will be red like this blood..and after few months she gave birth to a daughter like that..and kept her name SNOW WHITE

soon after giving birth to princess queen departed this world." but unlike the fairy tale king didn't bring step mother for princess .(because i don't want to say all step mothers are witch) rather king decided to raise snow white alone..Snow White was given all kind of lessons in school..when she reached 16 years of age she was declared best student ..many proposal of marriage started coming from different mighty kings and princes and knights when the tale of her beauty started spreading..but snow white denied to marry and requested the king to let her  serve the people who needs her..king allowed her..
  the Nun of church where princess was a student asked her to go as a representative from Church to a far away state the kingdom of love  where people are  horrified and tortured by a Witch named Jealousy  who fill people's mind with hatred
     go Snow White kingdom of love needs you
Snow White agreed and started journey for Kingdom of Love where she was welcomed by the ruler of Kingdom of Love
The Prince Charming

Snow White came to know Prince Charming has dedicated his life like his forefathers to save his Kingdom of Love from the Witch called Jealousy and revive love in his men mind..he took help of the Holy Church , the followers of the God, he knew only  a princess with innocent and pure heart can defeat the witch of jealousy..
Snow White also came to know that before her the holy Church sent a Fair Princess to help Prince Charming and she was near to success in defeating the witch of hatred and jealousy because countrymen started loving her but Fair Princess got to know about her parent's death. so she had to return back to fulfill her princely there was a emptiness and witch of hatred again became active..but Holy Church couldn't find a same pure and innocent girl after Fair Princess..and after months wait Snow White is sent..
Snow White also came to know that people still misses Fair Princess and they are not ready to accept anyone in place of her.Prince Charming asked her to think twice before she goes against the witch of hatred but Snow White was determined that she will make place in heart of countrymen.

Snow White started her work through Holy Church to reach the people's heart..but she found its really not an easy task.the memory of Fair Princess is alive in their mind . they started comparing Snow White with Fair Princess in each and every aspect and tried to prove her inferior..they even called her ugly what she never ever could imagine in her dream..but she knew its all are ill effect of the witch called jealousy who filled people's mind with blind hatred and memory of Fair Princess played a major role here..that Jealousy made people believing that Fair Princess didn't leave Kingdom Of Love in her own wish..Snow White was behind that as she was jealous of Fair Princess's popularity..people blindly believe that witch..that witch had a mirror (as you know without that Snow White's tale is incomplete)..but unlike fairy tale this witch used to trick people with that mirror.she showed those things through mirror what they believed ..through the magic mirror witch showed people that their Fair Princess is very unhappy by leaving Kingdom of Love and Prince Charming and she wants to return back but she couldn't because Church is supporting Snow White..people blindly believed the witch and started hating Snow White more and more
Snow White tried to make people understand that Fair Princess and her are two completely different person..she had no comparison and competition with Fair Princess ..neither she had anything to do with Fair Princess leaving Kingdom of Love..but people were blind in hatred against her..there was only Prince Charming to support her but Prince Charming couldn't openly go against his countrymen which would increase their hatred..but Snow White didn't lose hope and kept trying to make place in people's mind..but sometimes she felt very lonely..and doesn't want to come out from Church.

Prince Charming reached to the Church in search of her.and found her in the garden outside the these days he started being attracted to Snow White..he loved Fair Princess too but she was more like his companion and friend.she used to share things with him.when she left he felt bad and still misses her but towards Snow White his attraction is of different kind..the small girl who has angelic beauty is receiving only hatred from his countrymen for whom she came here and bearing this alone without sharing with him as she doesn't want to bother Prince Charming..
  Prince comes closer to her and touched her shoulder..Snow White looked up and saw the love in prince's eyes..she blushed..from day 1 she fell in love with Prince Charming but she thought Prince still misses Fair Princess so she didn't express her feelings..but now no word are needed..Prince pulled her in his arms and Snow White surrendered to his embrace.

as soon as the witch jealousy came to know about Prince Charming and Snow White's feelings for each other she started tricking people in a new way.she was very well aware that people who loved Fair Princess want to see Prince Charming and Fair Princess together they won't accept anyone in Prince Charming life except Fair Princess and that too Snow White?? no the witch showed the people through her magic mirror that Snow White is herself a witch who has done some black magic to Prince Charming so Prince Charming forgot Fair Princess and caught in trap of Snow people's hatred crossed all boundaries..they even expressed their anger by abusing Snow White openly whenever she was seen with Prince Charming..Prince felt really bad that because of him people is hating Snow he decided to avoid meeting with Snow White frequently until people accept her wholeheartedly..he decided to go The Holy Church authority to ask for help for Snow White..
after Prince left Snow White became lonely..The Witch Jealousy got opportunity to finish her ..and she tricked some girls who were blind follower of Fair Princess to kill Snow White..being blind in hatred those girls surrounded Snow White..Snow White had capability of defeating those girls alone..but she had come to win by love not she asked them to kill her if it brings happiness to their mind..watching her humble words  and smile those girls' heart started melting..and they started thinking perhaps Snow White is not that bad which they they suggested her for some days stay away from people of Kingdom of Love..and they left with Snow White's dress to show the witch that Snow White is no more and gave her another dress

dishearten Snow White was roaming in woods where she found a small house and hungry and sleepy princess enters into it..she found the small house is kinda boarding type where she used to live in Church for studying ..there are seven beds and a table where are covered food ..only rice and dal though..but hungry princess didn't think twice and took the foods from each seven plates ..and felt tired and sleepy and fallen asleep in a bed.
 soon the mistress of the house and a teacher by profession Jaishree mam along with her six students Gopi , Indu , Nisha , Tina , Sandhya and Kavya entered there and were quite amused to see someone entered there , ate from there plate .they went to bedroom and got speechless to see Snow White sleeping on their bed..
   Jaishree mam touched Snow White's forehead and she woke up and was a bit shocked to see the 7 women surrounding her..
 Jaishree mam comforted her and asked her to live with them until Prince Charming returns.
 Snow White came to know that there are still some people existing in Kingdom of Love who didn't lose faith on power of love..Jaishree mam and her students are some of them...when Fair Princess was there they supported her but when Fair Princess had to go they understood the situation..perhaps they were not so mesmerized by Fair Princess..when Snow White reached there they wanted to support her but as maximum people were against Snow White so the Witch of Jealousy tricked the mass against Jaishree mam and her students became outcast  as they didn't want Fair Princess back in the place of Snow White..
  Snow White agreed to live with them..and spread message of love from there..she is not alone now she had got 7 companions..

Snow White started working through Jaishree mam and her six students .hiding herself..gradually its seen that her followers are increasing in no., she got amused to see some people liked her from day 1 but didn't dare to open mouth in front of Jealousy stricken Fair Princess's followers..some people came from neighboring kingdom to help her who never met Fair of them was Nikita who just fall in love madly with Snow White..Shubhika ,Rajsri , jyoti , Krishna ,Usha, Sindhu ,Disha , Karuna , Anu.her followers started increasing day by day..there was a mad woman called Aru who started comparing her with some fairy ..Princess was overwhelmed by love..even it was seen some people who previously abused her now started becoming her followers..Princess forgave them, but Jaishree mam was doubtful..she warned Snow White witch won't sit peacefully..of course she will do she suggested princess not to believe everyone..princess assured her but little girl was overwhelmed and touched by love , care , affection showering on she didn't care much..
  Here even in kingdom people who blindly hated Snow White started remembering about her good deeds..The Witch understood Snow White's absence is working more than her presence..She through her mirror came to know Snow White is alive and decided to kill her unless Snow White's effect won't be destroyed. she sent her some followers to join Snow White's followers to keep eyes on her..they went to Princess and Princess accepted their apology..Jaishree mam warned her but princess didn't bother
     the witch then played the next trick..she herself became Snow White's follower in a normal girl's day Jaishree mam and her students had to go in neighboring state to attend some lecture..they warned Snow White not to believe anyone blindly..Snow White agrees..Snow White was sitting alone in woods lost in her dreams of Prince Charming
    oh my prince please come back..look i have reached to my without you passing days are being hard to me..
   she was so lost in dreams that she didn't realize when the evening came..when she realized she felt too hungry..but she forgot to gather fruits for which she came in woods..the witch was waiting for the opportunity she in disguise of normal girl came near to her and asked if she was hungry ..Snow White nodded..witch offered a beautiful red apple to her..Snow White was not dumb she asked the girl to share the apple..witch agreed and bite a part of the apple..Snow White then became assured and bites the apple..
   but she forgot the apple was made of hatred and jealousy which won't affect the witch but would harm her pure, innocent heart which is full of love and the thing happened which Jaishree mam feared..the part of apple chocked Snow White's throat and her breath stopped..she fell unconscious..Hatred won over love..
    when Jaishree mam and all other followers of Princess found her in the woods it was too late..Princess didn't woke up with their level's best effort..

  jaishree mam and everyone cursed themselves not to take care of her..they decided to keep Princess on bed of roses in the hope that one day she will wake up..
   days after days , months after months passed Princess didn't woke up...the jealousy , hatred , greed ruled over Kingdom of Love..

after almost a year Prince Charming returned to the kingdom after visiting from this monk to that nun of holy church to know how to help Snow White and at last he got the answer.but reaching  his Kingdom he found Kingdom of Love has changed into Kingdom of Hatred where witch Jealousy announced herself the queen with Snow White's grief Prince Charming became simply mad ..there was no place for him in palace or kingdom

he lost peace of mind and started living a life of vagabond roaming here and there..the kingdom reached to the worst condition..people now forgot about him ,snow white and even about Fair Princess too now..Jealousy is the ruler of Kingdom ..
     after months one day Prince Charming reached there where Snow White was sleeping on the bed of these months there was no scar in her didn't seem that she was seemed she only is sleeping for months soon as Prince Charming saw her he lost himself in pleasure..he ran and picked Snow White in his arms..
  " oh my princess , my love what happened to you , look your Prince Charming is here..please open your eyes my love my Snow White ."
   Jayashree mam used to visit Snow White everyday with hope one day she will wake also she visited her and was amused to see prince there..she tried to console prince but Prince Charming refused to hear anything and asked her about the things happened after he left kingdom and Jayashree mam narrated him everything..Prince Charming started cursing himself for leaving Snow White alone..
  " i am responsible for her death..i don't deserve to live..he took his sword for taking his life..Jaishree mam held his hand..and with her shout all her students and other followers gathered there..and everyone started remind him that suicide is sin..snow white will never support taking anyone's life whether even it belongs to own last prince calm down
   Jaishree mam asked him what the father superior of holy church said ??
 prince answered LOVE is the only weapon to fight against hatred but it should be used wisely..
   Jaishree mam said then princess also be cured with touch of true Bond Of Love...we all followers  loved Snow White..but as Prince Charming was not there so BOND OF LOVE was incomplete he is back.there is a hope of curing Princess

    Jaishree Mam took princess's head on her lap..Nikita and Aru held both of her hand..Nisha , Gopi , Indu , tina , Sandya , Sia and others touched her feet and kept chanting prayer .. the words of Love of Jesus..Arijit and Rayan two boys held Prince Charming on either side..
   Prince bent his head and said 3 magical words to her ears
                           I LOVE YOU
her body seemed trembled
  tears dropped from his eyes which fell on her eyes...her eyelids moved a bit..he then cup her face in his palms and touched her lips with his...
    the touch of true love reached to deepest of Snow White's touched her soul and brought her back from the world of unconsciousness.she opened her eyes took a deep breath and coughed..the apple came out from her throat and her breath became normal...
     LOVE brought her back to life..

after Snow White was brought back to life Prince told her he came to know that Snow White has to destroy magic mirror of the witch with her power of love..Jaishree mam suggested now power of love has to be used to trick witch's power of hatred..Snow White asked her followers to become followers of jealousy  queen to play the same game which she played with the complete Bond of Love was present there witch's mirror couldn't know about Snow White's being alive witch remained unaware of Snow White's plan...
    so Arijit and Rayan became witch's followers they were Fair princess follower as well so witch didn't doubt on them and at last they managed to convince witch that as snow white is dead so this Kingdom belongs to only hers so she should try to spread her trap of hatred to neighboring kingdom as well.queen agreed and had a visit of neighboring state to plan how and when she will start spreading hatred the meantime Snow White along with Prince Charming , Jayashree mam , and other followers reached to the main the complete Bond of Love entered the blind hatred from people's mind started dissolving automatically...also the Nun of Holy Church reached there at the time and cleared that Fair Princess left in her own wish not for Snow White's influence..
   at last they reached to the evil queens palace and Snow White at last found the magic soon as she took it..evil witch came back to palace..Arijit and Rayan became wounded in effort to stop her..but evil queen found all the people of kingdom standing against her..
   she created black Army of hatred to destroy the kingdom..but Kingdom of love in leadership of Prince Charming started fighting against power of hatred ..Prince Charming asked Snow white to destroy the magic mirror as he is fighting with the queen..but he was not capable to stop evil queen for much time..queen injured him and ran to stop Snow White..but before she could touch her at last the power of Snow White's innocent heart destroyed magic mirror..and all power of the witch ended..Prince Charming asked Snow White to kill the witch now..but she denied and touched witch with love..the witch turned into an innocent infant girl..Snow White picked her in arms and kissed her

now kingdom of love became peaceful like heaven ever after..Snow White asked their permission to went back as her mission ended ..but none is ready to leave her now who once wanted her to go back..her followers asked Jaya mam to stop her ...but Jaishree mam said her do whatever your heart says..
     Prince Charming bent on his knees and proposed her ..but said you have full right to say NO
    Snow White closes her eyes and feel she is not able to leave Kingdom of Love , Prince Charming and Bond of Love
    So she says   YES

and a grand marriage ceremony was arranged..her father was invited who officially gave her hand to Prince Charming
the couple after getting married wave hands to the kingdom of love from the roof of palace ..and then Prince Charming embraced Snow White tightly holding her lips within his
the story ends with a deep kiss


  1. A fine contemporary take on the age old retelling of the story Snow White. Like the inclusion of church. Love the Princess Snow White and her uphill quest to answer hate with love. The eternal battle of ultimate vice and ultimate virtue. Also the inclusion of real , flesh and blood people instead of mythical, magical creatures. Ultimately the greatest magic is Love. And Love is God they said. Blessed be.
