Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Funny Story By Deepa

Long long ago, so long ago, nobody knows how long ago'.
There was this beautiful warrior princess. Her conquests were legendary and her valor was celebrated far and wide. One day as she was returning from a particularly long and hard fought battle, she lost her way in the forest. Not the one to be scared, she moved on her faithful horse searching for any sign of human life. She chanced upon a clearing beyond which was the tallest tower she had ever seen. And from it was coming the most beautiful music, was it the veena, accompanied by a very average male voice singing.
Going near the tower and looking up at the window via which the sounds reached her, she called out
"Who's there?"
The singing immediately ceased.
"I am lost. Can you please help me". She called out again.
"Who is it", a very scared, but mesmerizing voice called out.
"I am the princess of this land. I am lost. Can you please help me?", the princess asked again, pleadingly.
"There is a ladder by that tree", the voice said. "You can use it climb up here".
"No elevator or a staircase even", asked the princess.
"There is no staircase. And the elevator is not yet invented. Please use the ladder", the voice replied.
The princess found the ladder and climbed up to the window and entered the room at the top of the tall tower.
The princess was shocked by the sight that greeted her. The voice had belonged to a very handsome young man, but he was strangely dressed in a long blue skirt with a bikini top, had deep red rouge applied to his cheek, blood red lipstick, false eyelashes, a well-manicured hand with nail extensions painted with little red hearts and was sporting three pony tails and a big bindi.
"What in the world are you", said the brave princess, not sure if she should be finally scared or should laugh.
"I am a human just like you. Infact I am a very handsome young man".
"I like your sense of humor. Please Proceed".
"I was very famous around town", he continued "Just like you, I too was lost and reached this place. These three aunties seemed to recognize me because of my fame. It was very flattering you know. They invited me in and enticed me with a lot of great food. It was very nice and relaxing to be away from the limelight for a while. So I consented to stay with them when they asked. They slowly started controlling me; what I ate, the way I dressed, what I sang, how I danced, everything"
He guy was crying at this point and that was not a pretty sight.
He continued on. "They hold me captive here and make me their doll. Today is blue girl dress day. Yesterday was my hot gay guy look day, he said pointing at a picture of him in a hand held device which was quite a sight. Tomorrow is tribal day. I am scared.
"Elevators are yet to be invented, but cell phones with cameras are already here? Why couldn't u call someone to help you with that?"
"No tower".
"Eh ! Aren't you housed in one?"
"They destroyed all the repeaters".
"Never mind. Why do you stay here and get tortured like this?"
"I have no way out. I am stuck here. They come in every morning, dress me up. Play with me, take pictures and then leave. They return for the night and make me sing and dance for them. That was what I was practicing for".
The princess felt sorry for the guy. "You know what, I'll help you escape. I've got the ladder outside. Let us go right away. Just go and change into something more masculine. I won't be caught dead with you looking that way".
The guy couldn't believe his luck. This was his lady with shining hair. He was saved. He quickly changed into his normal man cloth and they got ready to leave.
"You look rather hot and handsome, you know", the princess remarked.
"Yes I know". This time it was not the rouge causing the redness.
"And so humble too", she rolled her eyes.
No sooner had they mounted the horse, did they hear screaming from behind.
"You can't steal our guy. Get off the horse. He is ours !"
The princess was amused to find 3 old ladies running behind their horse brandishing their broom sticks.
"You were scared of them?", she asked the terrified looking guy.
For a princess who had conquered kingdom, the threesome was a piece of cake. She finished them off in no time in the 3 to 1 battle, with the guy hiding behind a tree with the horse who was irritated with him.
As they rode away, the princess heard the 3 old women's voice fading, cursing her "You just wait. We will be back to claim our guy".