Mohit-Sonarika One Shot

 Picture Perfect

  Unexpectedly she got a whole weekend off.She herself was quite astonished, it didn't happen in these 9 months ever. anyways it was much needed to freshen herself , the way she was becoming tired and exhausted she surely would have fallen ill if she didn't get it, she didn't had any plan but she terribly needed to leave the urban noise of business capital of India to rest her ears and eyes. so she just hurriedly packed her bag on Friday evening and landed up here along with her bro and cousins. The beautiful farmhouse of Dad's N.R.I friend in a hill-station was only 6 hours of driving from Mumbai . One can't imagine such a peaceful town can ever exist so close to the city of chaos.
       The Farmhouse was literally out of the world. It was situated inside a wide spread , decorated garden that's why its being hided from neighboring houses and stopping curious people peeking in here and there. only one side of the house is open which is facing the beauty of Western Ghat which is a natural wall to protect the privacy of the farm-house.
      Though she has reached here around 12 at night she couldn't stay for long at bed. The calmness of the place itself was enough to wipe away her tiredness. Her morning started with the gentle breeze of morning kissing her forehead. She found her brother and cousins are still in their respective dreamland. She didn't try to wake them up. Freshening herself she sits on the chair in the lawn enjoying the sunrise through western ghat with a cup of tea. No comparison with the sunrise of Himalaya but this scene created a peaceful effect in her mind. She felt an urge within herself after so many days. She again went inside  and came with a piece of paper and pencil , she didn't imagine that after ages she will feel like drawing something so didn't bring any necessary equipment with her , now she has to be satisfied with the raw sketch only.
     Soon the Sunrise becomes prominent on paper , she was not only sketching the sunrise , she was trying to capture the calmness of this moment through the drawing , but she knows its not possible.
 " I wish i could capture moments through my paintings , the moments that bring smiles on my face, the moments that make me feel complete when i even become all alone." - she thinks.
     Her beautiful green eyes got lost in some deep thought , her pencil stopped in middle. She feels something is missing that is stopping her to complete the sketch.
   Her lips parted and white pearls were seen as she smiles recalling something. Even in an outing she can't keep herself away from the thought of sets, she never can't be alone .
    She is like that only , she easily becomes attached whatever she likes , she is blessed with god gifted beauty but that never caused any pride in her attitude rather she surprises everyone with her bubbly and down to earth nature, fame didn't change her a little bit ,she wishes she can remain like that always. She gets along well with each and everyone of the sets , keeps on chatting and clicking pics , does lots and lots of fun always.
    But something is happening nowadays , she is herself not sure what is that , but whenever he is around her she is not feeling that free as earlier. Thankfully nobody has noticed that rather she is being appreciated more for her shots with him as everyone is finding her feelings too natural and genuine to call it as mere acting.
    " very well done Sona " she is getting the compliment now and then , but somehow she can't be happy as she used to be previously , something is stopping her.
      " why it feel i am cheating everyone and myself too?? i am being praised for my acting but i myself am not sure whether all was only acting , specially " she blushes as soon as the thought of her shots with him comes to her mind.
      She sighed , she thought this outing will help her wiping away all her strange feelings but she is getting more and more captured with the thoughts , specially the thought related to someone.
    " and specially when that someone is completely unaware of what mess is going on my mind related to him"
  She says pouting her lips and tries to concentrate on her sketch.

" and what if you are wrong!"

the voice was enough to drop both her pencil and paper , yet she managed to turn to the source of the remarks as she was not sure she really heard something like that , or it was just an imagination of her clumsy brain. and looking back she got so puzzled that she forgot to react.

" M-O-H-I-T"

" madam my name is not as long as yours that take so much time to be uttered"
the dimpled smile didn't let her to be tempered in the teasing over her name.

" but you.. here , how ,when , why and and your shoot?..."
she couldn't complete her sentence in spite of all her effort to be normal.

"got a day off today" answers he instantly

"but how did you know that am here?" her brain seemed to be over floated with questions.

" relax Sona , its not a rocket science specially when you have a cousin like Pooja"
   the mixed laugh of 3 or 4 voices were heard from inside of farm-house.

oh so that was the reason for the unplanned outing , now she understands the mysterious grin on her brother's lips when he disclosed about the plan to her. but , why?
"and Pooja , you are gone " she thinks.
       Pooja can still wait but there are so many unanswered questions which can't wait, she looks at him who was already making himself comfortable on chair and was examining the incomplete landscape by her. She grabs other chair in front of him and keeps watching at him without uttering a word.
    "i heard that you love to do painting but never got to see any , must say you are really talented." he appreciates
   but she didn't respond , she was still staring at him without blinking.

    " what? why are you looking at me as if you don't know me " again his dimple was visible as he smiles.

" you know why " .. she managed to talk at last. "

He brings his chair closer to hers and looks at her eyes deeply , his gaze seemed reaching inside her through her eyes that makes her lowering her gaze instantly.

" here lies the answer of all questions " he smiles
 that makes her more confused.

" everything is going out of my head , Mohit , please don't make me more confused , she weakly said.

" Sona , do you think i am so naive that i didn't notice the change of your attitude , you are good actress but i am an actor enough to distinguish between reality and acting , have anyone ever told you that your eyes are like open books that express every emotions of your heart!!
   her face turns pink in blush , he continues
" Sona others may consider it as acting , but i noticed your changing gaze to me , after all i work with you most of the time , "
" ok " she takes a deep breath . " that means i am not that good actress yet who can hide her emotions, but still its not the explanation of your presence here "

" I am not a good actor either to express my emotions" he dimples
" but i wonder why Pooja never told you a word when she observed "... he paused

"observed what?" She sounded impatient

"i keep gazing at you on sets" he says with taking time..

"you what?" she couldn't believe in her ears..

"Sona you know very well that people can't help but loving you when they meet you , so how i supposed to be different? " a teasing smiles flashed on his lips..

she looked up , their eyes meet , she blushingly grins. no words are needed now.

" thanks to your N.R.I uncle for maintaining such level of privacy while making the house..otherwise i would never be able to talk to you without the hawk eyes of reporters and media who love all time poking  nose in our lives."
    he puts his arm around her shoulder , her head leans on his broad shoulder..

the sketch drawn by nature is complete now.

-By Arunita


  1. superb story. who wrote it BTW? must write some more. pity sona is out of the show.

  2. sorry didn't see the name.hats off arunita!this is the only way we can relive the moharika moments.

    1. thanks dear for commenting i got very hurt about sona's sudden exit so in spite of having plans i was forced to stop writing bu if i get such feedbacks wil surely try , plz go through the older posts there are my other write ups too along with others

  3. plese to do something
    about the background image or change the color of the letters, its realy hard to read it.

  4. awesome story. loving reading fanfiction about MOHARIKA. My favorite pairing of DKDM. WAS left utterly disappointed when she left the show. wish i could write FF but I not very good at it and can't seem to find many ffs about them
