Monday, August 5, 2013

A Poem By Bhargavi

How futile the pleasures of the world appear when I long to hold my Beloved
I onced searched the entire cosmos far and wide and still I found Him not
In every cave, in every cloud, in every budding flower, in every hollow log
In the cool midst of the air, in the warm sands of the shore
In the depths of every river, on the peak of every mountain
The softness of His whispers were carried by the wind
The pounding of thunder and rain haunted sleepless nights
My love knew no boundaries and longed for sweet touch
For a lover without her Beloved is no lover at all
With a stirring deep inside I listened to the melody of the soul
And in the depths of my heart I found my Lover
My heart blossomed into a thousand petaled lotus there abounding
from the Bliss of His lips
To Him I offered all that I was and my very body melted away
I existed in nothing yet I existed in everything
In my beloved I found my home and no longer lived as I once knew myself to be
I had been sleeping for ages and now awoke to a love that was pure
Through His eyes I gazed, through His lips I sang through His body I danced
Through Him I came alive
When I became my Beloved I stepped out into the world
Reminicing over the lifetimes I spent in search
I retraced the once helpless steps I took
Every valley, every cave, every river, every wave
The entire nature of manifold creation echoed His glory and reflected His form
"To whom did the glory belong," for I was no more and even He was no more
We had forged an eternal union where individuality and separation had no meaning
I went out to find the Beloved of my soul, and instead I found myself...Smile

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