Shiva-Parvati One Shot

  On A Divine Magical Journey Of Love (An OS)


Heart One day when Lord Shiva got up from his meditation, he saw Gauri sitting in a corner, looking aimlessly somewhere … there was a small frown on her forehead … He walked towards her and lovingly put his hand on her shoulders … she shrugged her shoulders slightly as if avoiding his touch & didn't even look at him! Lord Shiva sat down beside her & tenderly touched her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes … "What happened my dear, are you angry with me?" He asked gently … Gauri lowered her eyes & evaded his gaze without answering him.
"Why my love, tell me please … why do you look so upset?" He again asked her. She looked at him with an annoyed expression & retorted, "Yes Lord, I am angry with you … don't I even have the right to be angry with you sometimes?" Lord Shiva smiled at her child-like innocence and replied, "Yes dear, why not? You have every right on me … to be angry with me … to scold me … to beat me …" he chuckled.
 Gauri became red with embarrassment! Blushing She hit him softly on his broad chest & trying to hide her amusement at his witty reply, showing false wrath, uttered scornfully, "And you Lord, have every right to make fun of me all the time, isn't it?" Lord Shiva took both her delicate hands in his & planted a soft kiss on her fingers. He stared deeply into her eyes & said, "Yes, I have … don't I … my lovely queen …"
She instantly melted with the warmth of his loving words & forgot all about her anger! She smiled adoringly at him & said, "Lord, you are the owner of my body, mind and soul … I belong to you … you have every right to do whatever you want to me … I am only yours …" saying thus, her eyes welled up with tears of love & they fell like pearls from her doe-like eyes! Lord Shiva bent down his head slightly & sucked those pearls with his lips … he then kissed her forehead & cheeks and took her in the warmth of his arms … They both closed their eyes, loosing themselves totally in each other & feeling only the bliss of the moment …
 After a while he held her face up to him & asked her gently, "Tell me now, my dear, why were you displeased with me?" Gauri looked intently into his eyes & lovingly told him, "My Lord, you know very well that I can never ever be displeased with you … I was just angry with myself that I am not able to spend more time with you … since you are busy in your meditation & meditate you must for the welfare of this world … but when you close your eyes and are in the bliss of your divinity … I feel apart from you … though I know this very well that in your meditation also I am with you & you are with me, but still I crave to be more physically close to you … I want to hold you in my arms & kiss you uninhibitedly … I want to sit in your lap & be loved by you always … all the time …" she said blushing a little with shyness. Blushing
Lord Shiva gazed at her with a deep passion in his eyes and smiled, "That was all you were so bothered about … My precious possession, I am non existent without you … you reside in me … making me complete! Physically we are inseperable & you too know that, my love."
 Then, with a twinkle in his eyes, he eagerly spoke, "I have made an interesting plan for us … let us sit together at the shore of Mansarovar & enjoy my favourite drink, bhang … you will sit in my lap & with your lovely hands you can make me drink & I will also give you your share from the very same glass with my own hands. Whole day we will spend talking & sharing our hearts out with each other … and when it is twilight & the stars begin to come out in the sky … we can take a walk in the green woods nearby …"
He continued further, " when the night arrives, taking in its arms the shining face of the moon, we will come back to Mansarovar & then bathing in those soothing rays of moonlight, we'll lie down in each other's arms to love each other endlessly, till my sweet beloved gets tired & finally goes off to sleep peacefully in my arms … taking me with her in our dreamland …" Day Dreaming
 Listening to his mesmerizing words, her heart was already transported to the dreamland he was talking about … with closed eyes, she was enjoying his company, swinging in his arms … playing with him! "Love, we have not even started on our journey and you have already completed part of it!" thus saying he woke her up from that pleasant reverie she was in.
She opened her love struck eyes & looked at him dreamily … "Yes my sweet Lord, with you I have already begun our journey, hypnotized as I was by your bewitching words soaked in love … but still a large part of it remains to be covered, that will take us an eternity; because this journey of love, in the pieasure of your soothing company, is really endless … & neither of us will ever let it end … is it not so, o handsome ruler of my heart!" thus she spoke, putting her slender arms round his neck. He bent forward a little so that she could easily kiss him, which she did, with all the love she could pour out from her wet lips to his forehead, cheeks & finally his sugary lips! Embarrassed
 With even greater ardor, he returned those honeyed kisses of hers & then, in each other's arms together, they blissfully proceeded towards Mansarovar, on their divine magical journey of love …Heart 
 -By Sudhishna


  1. Love this blog dedicated to our dear Moharika. Love this super romantic story of Shiv and Parvati. I visualize Mohit and Sona when I read this ♥

  2. woww its awesome n yes love u moharika alot.
